Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Pincushion Effect

Every so often we will find a property corner that is monumented multiple times.  This is often referred to as a “pincushion” corner.  Property law and the law of boundaries demand that an existing monument that was originally set in order to represent a property corner be honored by all following land surveyors. By this definition, a land surveyor is either an original surveyor who is establishing new boundary lines and setting corners for the very first time, or the land surveyor is doing a retracement survey whose only duty is to “follow in the footsteps” of those who went before. 
Regardless, some surveyors routinely ignore this core principle and the pincushion corner is a direct result. Here are 2 monuments supposedly marking the same property corner.  Only a licensed surveyor would be able to determine which is correct through a careful examination of written documents, and a thorough search for additional monumentation.  A property owner needs to use great care if they are determined to “find” their own monuments without having a surveyor verify they are indeed correct.  If the wrong monument is used to let’s say build a fence, the fence could wind up being over the property line.
The first instance it may not SEEM like that big of a deal as to which monument is held as the property corner, they are only off by a few tenths of a foot.  Here is another example that is even more confusing.  Not only can a situation like this lead to structures being built in the wrong location, but can also lead to additional monuments being set in the wrong location.  It is important to have a licensed surveyor verify, or locate your boundary lines and property corners.  Hiring a surveyor is nowhere near as expensive as you might think, and it is definitely less expensive than a court battle would be.

We can help you find where your corners and lot lines are, give Bosshard Surveying a call at 920-293-4001.

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