Its official, winter is here! I have recently been asked a couple of time what we (as surveyors) do in the winter because surely we can’t SURVEY, right–not with all that SN*W!?
Actually we CAN and DO survey year round! In fact, some surveys are best conducted in the winter. Surveying in winter does have its own challenges, but it also offers many benefits as well.Two of the biggest challenges are working in deep snow, and obviously the cold weather.
For us the benefits can outweigh the challenges though. Surveying a swamp is best done in the winter–walking through snow can be tough, but working in a swamp is tougher! Heavily wooded areas can often be easier to survey in the winter as well. Most of the foliage is off the trees and underbrush in the winter allowing for easier traversing. Another benefit of winter surveying is NO BUGS!!! No mosquitos, black flies, wood ticks, deer ticks, horse flies, deer flies, oh and did I mention TICKS?
So if you need a survey done, don’t wait until spring, it may actually be more cost effective to have it done in the winter! Give us a call at 920-293-4001.